- Behaviour Indicator Tool
Input Child / Young Person Initials:

Please read in full. This tool is for indicating individual needs, not a classroom management tool. The first version of this tool is for Primary aged children. Further versions will be developed. Each version is being continually improved - if you want to help find the feedback form on the last page - the more ideas the better!
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This tool is for informational purposes only. This tool is not used as a replacement for professional advice or diagnosis. By continuining to use these tools you agree to not hold or it's owners responsible for any actions you take based on this information and/or guidance. You also agree to any cookies used by third party websites on this site. This website records the results you input anonymously (only recording Primary or Secondary and numbers selected, not initials). This data may be used for large scale analysis of the anonymous data sets and conclusions/results published online.

Please click the button below to continue.

Using this data

The data baseline for this indicator is 20%. A score close to 20% indicates a very low level of confidence in this function. Where there is no evidence of a function in your answers, the bars will show as Red above.

Statements relating to Control

Statements relating to Attention

Statements relating to Escape

Statements relating to Sensory

Visit our Sensory Suggester tool for more advice

Summarised Results

Initials =
Attention Total Control Total Sensory Total Escape Total Self Esteem Total

Please click here to provide much valued feedback to help improve this tool (opens in new window)
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